A New Day at New Hope!
New Hope Day Shelter has been serving the community of Edgewood for the past 20 years. An aging building, faltering foundation, and restrictions due to Covid have caused us to cease operations for the time being. We need your help to get this vital resource back up and running!
Meeting Needs
At New hope, we strive to represent God's Hope for the Community as we set out to Serve Like Jesus, and we do this by providing a hot lunch, basic services like job counseling, health checks, and connecting our clients to resources in the community.
What We Plan to Provide
Job Counseling
Skilled counselors who will assist with resume writing, helping our clients understand their strengths, and job searching.
Laundry/Bus Assistance
Bus cards and coins for laundromat services.
Connection to Community Resources
Connect clients to resources such as the Community Action Agency, Food Pantries, and Crisis Center.
Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together.